Call your friends. Save the date. The next Reading High School Alumni Association Annual Reunion and Recognition Banquet will be May 17, 2025 at the DoubleTree in downtown Reading.
We had an amazing time at the banquet. We celebrated our 2024 scholarship recipients and honored alumni Louis Dalaveris, M.D. ’79, Ivan Martinez ’84, and Danny Gardner ’01.
Congratulations to our 2024 Scholars.
- Derrick Asante
- Jessica M. Bealer
- Giovanni Angel Beato
- Ariel J. Cerda
- Timmy Duong
- Jackelyn Elizabeth Flores-Velis
- Damien Anthony Ortiz
- Delia Parra-Almanza
- Ana Daniela Pichardo Montilla
- Joan Pintag
- Zachary Schrader
- Kevin Tinoco-Gonzalez
- Rachel Torres Pariente
- Dayhana Marcela Trevino-Escobar
- Marisol Valdez-Perez
- Jordan M. Zavala-Medina
Here are some photos from the event.

When: Saturday, September 9th, 2023. 3pm-8pm
Where: Victor Emmanuel’s Pavilion, 311 Hazel ST, Reading, PA
$35 per person. Includes music, beer, soda, water, snacks, pizza, dinner and dessert.
Cash bar will be available for other beverages.
3:00pm – Get an early start catching up with classmates.
4:00pm – Pizza will be served.
5:00pm – Baked Ziti, Meatballs, Sausage, Pizza, Salad, Bread and Dessert
6:00pm-8:00pm – The part continues.
Contact Tina Chelius Segner for additional information at
Mail a check payable to “RHS Class of 1978” for $35/person to the address below. Include the names of the RHS graduate and all other guests, a home address, email, and telephone number. The reservation deadline is Thursday, August 31, 2023.
Tina Chelius Segner
16 Nassau Circle
Reading, PA 19607
When: Saturday, October 141h, 2023 4:00 to 9:00
Where: Fish Pond West, 200 SwiftWater Lane, Reading, PA 19601
Well dressed is best. Have fun, see old friends and make new ones, Leave
politics and religion at home, please! There will be limited seating, so make
your reservations early.
$65 per person. Check or money order, payable to “RHS Class of 1973”
Please print this registration form and mail along with your check to the address on the form.
Any questions, feel free to contact any of the Reunion Committee. Contact details are in the attached registration form.
Sorry, no admission at the door.
Please respond by September 15, 2023.
We had an excellent time at the 2023 banquet. We celebrated our 2023 scholarship recipients and honored alumni Aigné Goldsby, Esquire ’07; Tony Phyrillas ’79; and Linda A. Kellher ’76.
Congratulations to our 2023 scholars.
- Soledad Chacón Espinosa
- Jennifer Diaz Martinez
- James D. Duong
- Karen Garcia-Aguilar
- Irene Maydeli Portillo Poblete
- Daniel Ramos-Medina
- Ashley Retana-Tapia
- Mackenize Rhoads
- Nathalie Rodriguez
- Angelina Rosario
- Alexandra Sanchez
- Taina Marie Santana
- Mya R. Vaccaro
- Keyri Leylanni Wipp
- Yair Gonzalez-Juarez
Here are some photos from the event.

Call your friends. Save the date. The next Reading High School Alumni Association Annual Reunion and Recognition Banquet will be May 21, 2023 at the DoubleTree in downtown Reading.
The Alumni Association of Reading High School regrets to inform you that the Annual Reunion and Recognition Banquet is canceled once again this year due to the ongoing crisis of the Covid-19 virus. While many of us have been or will vaccinated and it seems like the crisis is coming under control, we did not have time to organize the event and felt that attendance was likely to be low. Also, Reading School District is still avoiding unnecessary in-person events, and we wanted to respect that.
Outstanding Reading High School students will be selected at a future date and will receive a $1500 scholarship from the Alumni Association of Reading High School. Student names will be posted on our website here.
Individual alumni classes may hold separate gatherings over the summer or later in the year, and we will do our best to share information on those events as that becomes available.
Thank you again for your continued support of our students and program. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Due to the cancellation of our Recognition Banquet last year, scholarships were awarded at the RHS Awards Program on June 8th, which was conducted online.
Congratulations to the Recipients!
Kya Blake will be attending Reading Area Community College
Noreen Choudhary will be attending King Edward Medical University
Raycell Diaz Hernandez will be attending Gettysburg College
Tram Dinh will be attending University of Bridgeport
Michael Dominguez will be attending Lehigh University
Naomi Familia Paredes will be attending Dickinson College
Alejandro Gonzalez, Jr. will be attending Penn State University – Berks
Eric Gonzalez-Munoz will be attending Kutztown University
Adriana Hernandez will be attending Temple University
Y Lam (Valedictorian) will be attending Lehigh University
Jesus Lopez Fonseca will be attending Alvernia University
Hayley Marie Mateo-Juan will be attending West Chester University
Jesus Orellana will be attending Albright College
Ashley Perez Roa will be attending Bentley University
Crystal Ramos Garcia will be attending Alvernia University
Abigail Sensenig will be attending Temple University
Ricardo Luis Serrano-Saldana will be attending Alvernia University
Fabiola Valdez-Perez will be attending Penn State University
Lizbeth Veras Ventura will be attending Eastern University
Special thanks to our Sponsors!
Milton A. Ripple for the Endowed Scholarship in loving memory of his wife,
Jeanne E. (Trenaman) Ripple, RHS Class of 1949.
The RHS Class of 1960 for their record-setting 5th Scholarship!
The 2020 RHS Scholarship Awards Ceremony was done virtually last year. The school put together a very fun video showcasing all of the amazing students and the awards they received for their achievements in academics, sports, and citizenship.
You can watch the video on YouTube or embedded below.
The Alumni Association of Reading High School regrets to inform you that the Annual Reunion and Recognition Banquet is canceled for May 14, 2020 due to the ongoing crisis of the Covid-19 virus.
Outstanding Reading High School students will be selected at a future date and will receive a $1500 scholarship from the Alumni Association of Reading High School. Student names will be posted on our website here.
We look forward to seeing you at our next dinner at Crowne Plaza on May 13, 2021 and if possible our selected speakers will be honored at the banquet planned for next year.
Thank you again for your continued support of our students and program. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Cheryl Levin Moretz, ‘61
President of Alumni Association of Reading High School